duminică, 30 august 2009

Fashion addicted !

Love this guy ! the colors are perfect ! - London
He's awesome ! - London
God , she's gorgeous ! London
She's stunning ! - New York

via @ http://streetpeeper.com/

My hero !

No metter what , you'll always be a part of me ! You're the sountrack of my childhood . You're my hero . I love you and I'll forever miss you ! God bless your soul !
I'd prefer million times to tell you happy birthday and to wish you the best than praying for your soul .
Thank you Mike , for everything you have done for us .. for trying to make this.. a better place . I know you're now HOME ... cause you were heavenly ! I just hope that you know how many people loved you..and still do !

I love you , Michael !

This tribute is absolutly amazing !

LaToya - Home ( this song made me cry a lot . . )

Sometimes a fight is better black and white .

Ok , so I didn't said I'm sorry when I had to , I didn't want to call you even if I should have done it . All these are those kind of things that make us realise , we're not perfect , and actually we're just human beings . Forget , forgive , live and don't regret anything . Life is made of simple things : soul , tears , smiley faces , some heart beatings and of course time . While time flies don't get satisfied with just being the co-pilot . Take the control , fly higher , fight agains the rain and the clauds but don't forget to lend on the ground for once and a while cause when you'll feel like crushing , the whole way to the ground will be abrupt , long and sometimes even breathless . If you don't want to be judged , don't judge the others , if you want to be forgiven , start forgiving the others , it's not bad to be human , to have feelings , to be kind with the others . If you want to bo back in time .. well you can't ! That's why always keep with you in your pocket all the memories cause you'll never know when you'll might need them , but if you want to go into the future , you'd better ask yourself if the moment from the present is lived or letting to pass you over . That's when you'll realise that time is passing you by and you're not even noticing it for being so carful to count the moments passed and not living them. Moments come and go .. so as people , friendships , happiness , tears , love'stories .. but the present you're living in right now , will be soon a future past .. not possible to be taken back . So wake up , through away your sorrow and live as if tomorrow never comes . Sad moments will still be happening , people will still go even if you don't want to , but don't get stucked in the middle , just move on and take a smile with you .. and be ready to fall again and that's the perfect moment for you tu use it . Life's just one, and you may never know when you'll have to leave it .