duminică, 20 septembrie 2009

I'm 20 since today...I'm getting old and that SUCKS , my friend !

Now that I'm twenty I've got this weird feeling of losing the control of time . I wanna go back , I wanna be a child againbut I guess this one won't work on the reality part . It's like I'm not a girl anymore , I'm a grown up and I hate the fact that i have to let this behind cause I don't want to .. I mean I really , really don't want to !
Hey , you , the one working at the mechanical part at time's control , help me out here ! Can't you see I'm in need ? Press the button , do something .. anything !
Yeah , what's really all the "time" thing ? What's made of ? Some of us are measuring it in seconds , hours , days , weeks , months , years , decades , etc and the onthers .. in happy moments , tackings risks , memories , tears , childhood , dreams .. Now , tell me , who's the one that wins more ? The one who knows every second of time's structure , worring about passing to fast through it or the one that's not counting it buy living it ? Yeah .. i thought so too . So I guess I'm not supposed to worrie that much and to start living ? But what should I do with the memories .. those who are keep coming back everytime my mind is free or a bad thing happen ? It's hard to let go to my childhood .. to my best years of my life .. ! I'm gonna feel so empty without it . God , I feel timeless ! But you know what ? I'm gonna start wearing a smile more often , and whenever I'll smile I'll bring out the best memories and with them .. I'll learn to live in the present knowing that the future will be as great as the past was . It's like 3:17 am in the morning .. that's means I'm 20 year old and 3 hours .. and very sleepy . I'm gonna have to go to bed , this night I'll dream about something that someday soon will become reality, i hope . God , please don't forget about me , and my candle wish .

Nighy night kiddies !
xoxo , BJ