duminică, 22 noiembrie 2009

RevRunWisdom .

  • Be you.. Everybody else is taken- Oscar Wilde
  • Trust in God! I dont know what the future holds.. but I know WHO holds it...
  • If your partner's insecure.. Secure em up..
  • Suspicion is the termites of relationships..
  • Some ppl think holding on to ppl & things makes u strong.. but very often its letting go that strengthens u
  • To love someone is 2 wait for them, but u MUST also love ur self enuff, 2 know when 2 walk away -(love stories)
  • TRY to be happy peaceful & calm...You jus do the possible,, God will handle the impossible
  • Those who have patience can have WHATEVER they want... Giving up\ Giving in is NOT an option!
  • If u have many friends,, its obvious ur a very forgiving person.. real talk :)
  • (Take chances ppl) We fail faaaarrr more by timidity, than by over-daring..
  • its not so much that u miss past relationships,, u just miss the person u thought they was
  • People who lie for you, will also lie to you... Please believe it!
  • The key to any lasting relationship is.. knowing when to be close,, and knowing when to give room..
  • Love gives,, Lust takes..
  • Being smart is cool, (BUT) a good heart is better than all the good heads in the world (kindness counts)
  • The worst thing is holding on to someone who doesnt want to be held on to.. real talk
  • Ladies:: Trying to forget someone u love, is like trying to remember someone u never knew... Impossible!
  • When u get kicked in ur butt,, at least u know u were out in front! -J. Maxwell
  • Life gives to the giver and takes from the taker
  • Find what you love and stick to it like glue!!! -(Daily love)
  • Being positive is a choice! Atmosphere filled with negativity leaves a heavy burden.
  • If u can practice having fewer wants.. u can truly become the happiest
  • People might try 2 stop u temporarily.. BUT! Only u can stop u permanently! Keep going ppl! ur on ur way!
  • Let no1 become ur everything, becuz if they walk away u'll have nothing
  • hate will take u further than u wanna go, keep u longer than u wanna stay, & charge u more than u wanna pay..
  • Be careful who u diss.. You never realize how much u care about some1, UNTIL they dont care about u no more.. im jus sayin
  • when its all said and done, never let more be said than done! ...
  • Do not lie 2 ur loved ones! The truth hurts 4 a little while, but lies hurt 4ever!
  • lookin 4 Mr perfect?.. nobodys perfect :)
  • Sadness may cause u 2 build walls,, but dont do it,, Those same walls can keep out joy also.
  • You were born with wings,, why in the HELL would you prefer to crawl thru life!
  • STOP trying 2 force things! You DO NOT wanna be where the Grace of GOD is NOT!
  • Ladies:::: Dont cry if a relationship falls apart.. The next man will probably be checkin 4 a gal wit a smile! :) stay up!
  • When u luv some1 u'd give up everything 4 them,, but if they loved u bac they'd neva ask u 2!


The Middle Men (Feat. Lil Scrappy & Bobby V) - Show Me Love Official Video .

show me looooove . :X

He's one of my fav' . <3

Pictures via@BillionaireBoysClubBlog

La Roux - I'm Not Your Toy Official Video .

You don't want me .. you just like the attention .