miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009


Time time time , please stop ! Let's pretend for one sec that we can stay still . C'mon my dear .. do that for me . Take me back .. uhm , 12 years ago and please..forget me out there cuz I really don't want to find the way back . I can already smell the Christmas tree full of chocolate candies . I remember my parents smiling with their heart open .. my sister always beside me .. our silly dogs that were our best friends and of course .. my grandma' .. oh how I miss her . She's always on my mind no matter what but I can't help myself not to miss her . That's why I want back , I miss those faces full of joy . Now .. the holidays aren't what they used to be . Back then I was counting every single day until Santa was about to come , now .. I'm counting the days to see my parents . Back then I used to sing carols now I can't listen to them cuz they make me feel sad . I feel like Grich right now >:)

So..lately my tummy's turnin and I'm feelin' kinda' homesick .. but now that I'm actually that close on going back home .. I don't know, I feel like I'm leting something behind, something unfinished. Don't know why. But still .. I can't wait to be home .. to see my mom finally.. she's like everything to me , she's that one person that always makes me feel proud of myself .. and always secure. On the other hand , my dad is like my super hero but sometimes this super hero of mine makes me angry .. like really really angry but I still love him. Tomorrow will see what is like to be back home after a long time.

You know you love me


Sinatra sings ‘New York, New York, it’s a hell of a town,’ but on the Upper East Side, sometimes it just feels like hell. Even when we’re sure we’ve earned that happy ending, it doesn’t always come. Second thoughts creep in, secret missions sneak out and only Sleeping Beauty finds her prince. In this city nothing is for certain. The night can push you forward into a dark future or plunge you into a mysterious past

I don't think you ran away because you couldn't handle death. I think it's because you couldn't handle feelings. You're not like that anymore. You're strong. You carry people. You carry me. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was. Come. Let's say goodbye.

An It Girl with an It Bag. Looks like the road to success is paved with good intentions.

We make our own fortunes, and call them fate. And what better excuse to choose a path than to insist it's our destiny? But at the end of the day, we all have to live with our choices ... no matter who's looking over our shoulder.

They say there are no accidents. Sometimes reality comes crashing into us. Other times it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it.