vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009


Jay Z & MR Hudson Alexandra Palace BEST VIDEO HD Young Forever


Mr Hudson , you rock !!!!

WOAAAAW !!!!!!!

Dynamo Showreel 1020.

I love this dude , honestly !!!!!!


I don't like to gamble .. but if it's one thing I'll bet on .. it's myself . :)


Just do me one favor! Never tell me sky's the limit, when there's foot prints on the moon!! ok!!!

Once , Reverend Run said : "Just do me one favor! Never tell me sky's the limit, when there's foot prints on the moon!! ok!!!" and as far as I am concerned I find it more than true/real . What is it with people today that are always tryin' to put a line on the others dreams . You can't say STOP while I'm still walking , you can't ERASE someting I'm still writing and you definitely can't crash or burn something I'm still building .
People will never understand that . Everyone is looking up for number one , for "being on top of the world" . But
one thing about being on top of the world .. it gives you a long, long way to fall . So , don't climb a mountain by stepping or crashing others happiness , make it your own way or at least try to .
So if you try to make me believe something just because you believe in , or you think it's right you're more than wrong . I have my right to make my dreams come true and believe in them . I won't live according to your standards . That's why , if you tell me now that I can't move on because you couldn't .. it won't make a diffrence .. cuz the less I need someones approval .. the further I will go in life .

Nighty-night .

RevRunWisdom . Part 3 .

  • Nobodys worth ALL of ur tears!. But then again, Mr Right aint gonna make u cry that much no way! Take a chance!
  • Those who break ur heart,, They're the 1's who challenge u 2 become the person u need 2 b! -(love stories)
  • You don't need a reason to get up in the morning,, you need to be the reason other people get up in the morning!! lets go!
  • Opportunities are NEVER lost! Trust me! Someone always takes the ones u miss!
  • Worrying is stupid... Its like walking around with an umbrella up waitin 4 it to rain..
  • Ladies:::Never try to get with a man & try to change him... u cant!
  • If i could get your mind completely off of what u don't have.. (pure thankfulness) I could guarantee major breakthroughs in ur life!
  • Stop tellin God how big ur problems are,, and start telling ur problems how big your GOD IS!
  • Happiness is going where you KNOW its happy AND NOT LOOKING BACK!!!!
  • Man when you lose your laughter you lose your footing..
  • DONT u dare give up!!! (NEVER let go of that FIERY sadness CALLED DESIRE!) -P. Smith
  • God can turn water into wine,, but He aint gonna turn your whining into anything! Stop dat!
  • ppl talking bout they found God,, like he can get lost..
  • Wanna have a happy life?? If its not fun anymore, stop playing.
  • SUMTIMES the sayin “everything happens 4 a reason IS BS. SUMTIMES u gotta find dat reason & STOP dat crap from happening!
  • Stop acting like that.. YOU CANT HAVE A BETTER PAST! cheer up!
  • Dont take life too seriously... You'll never get out alive
  • There is no i in team... but there is one in win!- Mike Jordan
  • One day your life will flash before your eyes, make sure its a good look
  • Dont worry your haters are just confused admirers
  • negative thoughts are like birds, they'll always be flying over head, jus don't let them build a nest there
  • Never Love someone so hard that you hate them.. (remember) theres a thin line between love and hate
  • Trying to make somebody love you is about as useless as trying to control who you fall in love with
  • You wanna get depressed stand still and start thinkin bout stuff
  • When you blame others, you give up your power to change :)
  • If winning doesnt matter,, then why do they keep score..
  • The dude that wrote,,“Its doesnt matter if you win or lose”.. Probably lost