sâmbătă, 12 decembrie 2009

RevRun part IV

  • Letting go is the best way to hold on - (Daily Love)
  • Its important to know when to let ppl go who only bring you down..
  • The difference between a fool and a wise man is.. A fool learns after his mistake and a wise man learns after urs
  • Love in a relationship doesnt die outta nowhere! It dies because u stop making ur mate TOP PRIORITY. (truth)
  • if ur LIFE is not what u desire it 2 be,, its because ur not the PERSON that u desire 2 be.. no complainin! wrk on u!
  • Your obstacles seem really big, when ur not looking @ ur goal
  • Watch who ur around!,, u cant always stop ppls actions, but u can minimize the fools ur around! (fo real!)
  • Many times u cant find urself until u lose everything else
  • it takes seconds to say “I Love You”.. It takes a life time to show it! yup!
  • Ur dreams r waiting! (Remember!) Life has a way of passing a coward by - (Daily Love)
  • Dont make a fool of yourself.. When ppl shut their ear,, shut ur mouth..
  • Ladies:::: life DEMANDS that ONLY YOU gets the best of u... u gotta keep sumptin!.. verrrrry important
  • Immature Loves says, “Im afraid of you, Im gone!”. Mature Love says “Im scared, but who cares.. Im in! (Daily Love)
  • May good fortune hit you,, before you have time to talk yourself out of it -Jim Carey
  • dont talk crap about me if you dont know who I Am.. pls -(heart box)
  • Being single can mean ur jus taking your time to see who you wanna be with & spend ur life with -(Love stories)
  • Happiness is most definetly contagious! If youre around happy ppl u'll catch it!!!
  • Believe everything will be ok, and it will be
  • Say what u will about holidays & Christmas,, but anytime ppl get together in a spirit of giving & luv its BLESSED!
  • A painful thing is 2 luv sum1 who used 2 luv u.. Let me help u out a bit wit this,, MOOOVE ON!
  • When you go easy on yourself life's hard on u, when u go hard on ur self life's easy on u... real tlk
  • Tell ur family, mate, kids, how much u luv em NOW. Besides they wont be able to hear u that well when their gone.. real tlk
  • We chase goals more than we chase God, thats why when you reach them, you still feel empty :-) - Lil Duval
  • Love doesn't make the world go round,, but it sure nuff makes the ride more pleasant :-)
  • scripture says:: man should not be alone...There really are no good stories,, without love and romance in it..
  • Be careful yall,, protect ur heart... Love is like heaven,, but it can hurt like hell (real tlk)
  • Ladies:: If a man is not where he lives,, he's where he loves.. real tlk
  • The child is in me still ..... and sometimes not so still.. :) - (Mister Rogers)
  • Always 4give ur enemies & those that diss u,, NOTHING annoys them as much
  • To be happy,, u must believe in happiness..
  • Don't smother ppl,, give em space,, relationships CAN NOT grow in the shade

Top 13 Christmas movies.

  1. It's a wonderul life
  2. How the Grinch stole the Christmas
  3. Home Alone 1,2
  4. The Family Stone
  5. A Christmas Carol 2009
  6. The Santa Clause 1994
  7. The Polar Express
  8. Look who's talking now 1993
  9. The Holiday
  10. This Christmas
  11. Love Actually
  12. White Christmas
  13. The nightmare before Christmas