miercuri, 30 septembrie 2009

Forever young .. !

I had a crancky mood today , but i remembered a song that I really love and that always makes me feel like i have nothing but time .. precious time . Jay-Z ft. Mr Hudson - forever young .. it's true that the real song is also great but this one is greater . This song reveals my strongest wish . I want time could stay still . "So we live a life like a video when the sun is always out and you never get old and the champagne’s always cold and the music is always good" .

What's wrong with this time machine ? Especially with its big red STOP button ? Tomorrow is a big day .. College . It sounds good but I don't know.. it's also scary . I feel so timeless .. I wanna go back and press rewind and stop at that time when everything used to be so easy and great .. without any worries and alwasy surounded by the people I love . I guess highschool is really over .. with all its great memories , crazy teachers , best friends or ex best friends , love stories .. Now that i realise thet everything has a finish line ,, it's so hard to let it go , to move on especially when the people I love aren't near me anymore . But I gotta keep my calm .. start smiling and be positive ! This is something we all have to go through and as far as I know .. nobody died because of it . So what if I have to deal with new situations , that's what life is about . "Every age has its beauty" - My mom used to tell me that all the time . If my old friends won't keep up with me in the present , that means they never were . If somt things will be lost on the way , that means they didn't ment anything for me .. otherwise I'd still have them with me . But I'll remember highschool as the image of my favourite teacher .. my first boyfriend who I actually tought was the one .. my best friend that will always in my heart no matter what . That's why life is also about changes .. new beginnings .. finish lines .. memories .. taking chances .

I just hope that I'll still keep with me the best memories and never forget about them .. I need them to remember me of how I used to be .. what I used to love .. and what made me happy those days . I'm gonna need sooo much this part of my life.. my childhood .. the best one i might was .

I wanna be young forever , I wanna keep my dearest memories always on my mind .. my friends near me and never get old ! Hey , Tuff Guy ! I'm talking to you , do something ! But since I can't always have what I want I'll try to make this time , the best of my life . So what if i have to fall , to cry or to lose people ? I'll still fight to reach to the headline !!! I'll start with a smile and a promise . I promise I'll make my future as beautiful as my past ! Yeah !!

Meanwhile I'll listen' to Honor Society - Where are you now . Love that song , it's perfect for my feelings at this very moment !

So , I'll make a toast !! To my favorite teacher who told me never give up ! To my 5th grade crush who I thought I really loved !To the girls I missed and the boys we kissed !To my ex-best friends don't know how we grew apart ! To my favorite band and sing-alongs in my car ! To the face I see in my memories! To my first boyfriend I thought for sure was the one !To my last boyfriend sorry that I screwed it up ! To the ones I loved but didn't show it enough ! And I'll never see those days again.. and things will never be that way again .. but that's just how it goes .. people change, but I know I won't forget you ! To the ones who cared and who were there from the start ! To the love that leftand took a piece of my heart ! To the few who'd swear I'd never go anywhere ! .. That means .. college , here I come ! Highschool , I'll keep you with me , but for now .. so long my friend !

Try to smile ! Look in the mirror , and ask the one you see if he's ok with what he sees ! If you want this world to be a better place .. start with you ! Don't forget , life .. is made of heartbeatings , be careful , don't stop them to soon !

Just some picture perfect day to last a whole lifetime and it never ends cuz all we have to do is hit rewind .. forever young is in your mind leave a mark that can’t erase neither space nor time so when the director yells cut, I’ll be fine, I’m forever young …