duminică, 25 octombrie 2009

Let's make it last . :)

Lately I understood that life is too damn precious to let it go , to live it in tears , memories , wishes and nothing real . We have to step up and put the smile where it used to be tears . I know it's hard to fight the things we're afraid of .. that's why sometimes we need a little help . As I've been told , there's no shame in being afraid , what you've got to do is figure out what you're afraid of , because when you put a face on it , you can beat it .. or even better yet .. you can use it . Play that song you love , listen those lyrics that make you feel better , watch those movies that make you dream and believe that anything is possible .. be surrounded by those people that make you feel accomplished and leave behind those who couldn't make it to the present cause life is measured in more than time or seconds .
I want to start over , to put a higher price on family , friendships , happy moments . Do the same , you'll fell better .


luni, 19 octombrie 2009

New One ! :)

These days I realised that somehow , saying goodbye , and letting someone or something to go , is the best way to be you again , to win yourself . When you try so hard to bring something back , or to hold on to something .. and you finally get it .. doesn't feel so great .. it's like everything is getting worst . That's why this time I won't say I'm sorry twice . I just won't . This time.. I'm gonna let it go ... even if it's a part of me , 30% of the most beautiful memories of my entire life , a part of who i become today . I said I'm sorry but you didn't want to listen .. you just didn't . I won't say I'm happy , cuz I'm not .. my heart felt apart , but like i said .. I tried to make it work , but I won't fight anymore this time . You made it clear to me , we can't be what we used to be . It's hard letting this go .. it feels like is sliping away from me .. But I'm gonna say goodbye as if it won't break my heart .. even if it does .. and in one of a hell way ! We grew apart .. but I quess that what we've become today it's waaay to far from what we used to be , how we used to think . We used to make the world go around , we actually owned the world .. but today , the world is getting in our way .. and more importantly .. between us . It's true when they say that everything has it's end , sooner , or later . I wanted to make it clear to my mind.. to my heart , to who I am today , and finally , it did . I'm gonna keep you forever with me , but just in my old memories , out there we used to be us , the real us .
Without noticing , I found what you used to have in other people , and maybe you found in them what i used to have , too . I'm gonna start all over again , but this time , i know that the person who's standing next to me , we'll be the one forever , the one that won't get stucked in the middle , that wont't take the wrong way when the distance happens to appear . And if doesn't .. I'm gonna remind myself that "I've been there , done that " .. and I'll move on , cuz this is what life's about . Taking chances , risks .. letting people in , letting people go . Make it the best time of my life in every second .

To you , my friend and to what i used to be . Things will never be that way again , but that's just how it goes , people change .