marți, 22 decembrie 2009

Christmas time.

What's the deal with the winter holidays? Why is it that people feel good and worm and ready to help the others around Christmas time and the minute this pass and december ends the worm , the good and the helping spirit slips away .. Can't we be good all the time ? For one of us Christmas is the perfect time to be with the whole family and catch up with them .. for some others this period is the one of surprises and gifts even if they come from big or small boxes , while others think that this period is the worst of the year because they find themselves all alone with no one around and they end up looking at the Christmas Tree as if they found their friend even if it's only for one season .. but there are some of us who find in this period the perfect time to remember and to comemorate the lost ones and to reflect on the bad and good choises they made along the year that is about to end . As for me , it's Christmas that always bring out into the present my childhood and I can live it again as if it happens for the first time . That's why I can find Christmas in my parents and sister's smile .. when teir laugh is full of joy and happiness .. that's when i feel complete .
Don't cry if you feel alone..or you feel like you can't move on cause your tears won't wash away your problems but they'll make it worst . You're still thinking about the persons who made you cry ? about the ones that left you behind ? about the biggest problems you have to confront with or the fact that the one you love has hurt you and your heart is faling apart in millions pieces ? Don't you know that the future is the one you can make it with your own hands and that the past is written in stone no matter what ? You cand chang something that alreasy happened but you can surely change something that is about to happen . Put a smile on your worst moments of your life and try to wear it even if you don't feel like smiling cause you may never know when this mask might turn out to be real . Don't walk away from the one you love , don't miss the important moments of your life cause you may never have the opportunity to go back and live it again . That's what Christmas is really about .. forgiveness , love , family , sharing wonderful moments and that's why we all have to make from every Christmas the best memories and always keep them with us cause when you feel like falling apart you're gonna stick to these moments and always remember that you have many reasons to move on . Don't you know that a life without love and family is worthless ?! Try learning from others that and never get the chance to live it on your own .
Let the spirit of Christmas transform ya'll into a better person .

So , if they say that on the night of 24th of december every wish is turnin' into reallity I have to make sure that my deepest wish will cross my mind .

You know you love me .

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