luni, 21 decembrie 2009

This is amazing .. sooo true !:)

2 years ago yesterday was one of the hardest times of my life. Im not very open about it, but I don't think I've ever been as broken as I was when that happened. I wrote a song called Sorry.. a few days after. I poured avery bit of my heart into that song. December the 19th was the start of the "Storm". Many of you know about it, but what you don't know is the pain we went through.
I guess is a night I never will get over, my heart was crushed into little pieces, and walking away was the worst thing I ever did to myself.
I don't even know what to say right now.. I was never open about my "relationships", but is not because I want to hide or just for the heck of it. I felt like the media was taking everything, the one thing I wanted to myself, was getting out by cameras and gossips... and I didn't want to feed the media with something that was mine.
At the beggining was amazing, we were young, and we had fun on tour. Its never easy to get over your first love, I wonder if you ever do. I wonder if a broken heart actually heals with time as they say. Maybe it does, but the actual days it happened, you feel the heart breaking again. You feel the storm taking its form and taking over your body.
All I know is that I'll never regret the times we had, the easy times, the times we were young and restless. Before time pushed us in trying times.
She will always have a special part of my heart that no one else will ever get.
I'll always be standing here, with open arms. We'll always be best friends.
I loved you then, I love you now, and I will always love you.

"With every strike of lightning, comes a memory that lasts, and not a word is left unspoken as the thunder starts to crash"

Nick jonas via@twitter

I want a guy like him !

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